Weight-loss food diets - Do they really work?

Weight-loss food diets are popular because they claim very quick results like "lose 10 pounds in 10 days" and people want to believe it. However, to make these diets work you have to follow strict rules and this makes them very difficult to stick to in the longer term. They can also make you believe that food is a sinful temptation and you can become afraid to eat for fear of falling off the wagon. This is not a sustainable approach so the result is that 95% of strict weight-loss food diets fail and actually end up making people gain more weight than they lose.

Weight-loss food diets often rely on taking supplements, these should be avoided. Why? Well most supplements don’t deliver the benefits that are claimed by the companies that sell or promote them and are a waste of money. This is a multi billion dollar industry that is really only interested in taking your cash without any regard for the effect on your health, hopes and aspirations.

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Have you started on a new diet, made good progress for a while and then hit a plateau where you stop losing weight even though you are rigidly following the rules? Well, this is a pretty common experience. What is happening is that your body is adjusting to the drop in calories by lowering your metabolism so that you need less food. This also causes changes to your body chemistry and makes it harder and harder to lose fat. You may also get muscle shrinkage through lack of the right nutrition for your body.

So how can you lose weight and make it permanent?

The key thing is to eat the right kind of foods for your body type, ones that work with your metabolism instead of against it, and don't shrink you muscles. Not all fats are bad for you some fats can actually cause you to lose weight quicker and increase your energy levels.

In addition to eating properly it is important that you have a balanced training plan that fits in with your lifestyle so that you can build fitness and keep doing it in the spare time you have available. Getting these things right is more important than trying (and ultimately failing) to get a big weight loss in a short time.

Continually going for the latest diet that hits the headlines and getting disappointed yet again is energy sapping and psychologically damaging. So don’t get depressed, ditch the useless “yo-yo” diets and accept that you need to make a radical change in lifestyle to join the 5% who achieve lasting success. Don’t put it off - take action today and start feeling better about yourself.!

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